Square Crossed Star

Here is another teabag fold called Star Squares.  It looks like one square on top of another, but turned.  It sounds confusing, so here’s a picture to help you out.

This one takes eight 1-7/8″ squares of patterned paper and a bit of adhesive.


Start with the white side of one square up and fold diagonally, then unfold.  Now, fold it the other diagonal and unfold.  When you open it up you should have an “X” folded in your square.




Now, fold the bottom to the top and unfold, then side to side and unfold.

You should see an “X” and a cross folded into your square.




Fold your square into a triangle with the fold on top and the point down.

Gently take on of the sides along the fold, open it slightly and push that crease so it goes down and into the center.  Do the same with the other side.  You should now have a diamond with the opening at the bottom.

Take the top flap on the left and fold it down along the center crease.  Fold the top flap on the right and fold it down along the center crease.  Piece one is done!  Now, do the same with the other seven pieces.

To adhere the pieces together, put a little adhesive on the left side of the center section and slide the flat side area of the next piece on top, so the center point (with all the folds) is to the center.  Add all pieces.  On the last piece, you will have to put some adhesive on top of the right side and lift the left side of the first piece up into place.

Are you impressed?  You just made a fun Teabag Fold, or Kaleidoscope Origami.  If you had any problems, watch the video below.

Thanks for spending some time with me today!

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I am a child of God, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. My favorite things to do are: read, make cards and candles, share what I've learned.

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